What we're all about

Our goal is to offer a community racing experience unmatched across the service of iRacing. We are looking for drivers who wish to trust those they battle with, and show that they can be trusted in return, at any level of skill. Teaching and learning amongst each other is an integral part of our league. We aim to capture a competitive nature, without the unnecessary pressure, expectation, and toxicity that may come along with it. Attempting a pass that may end someone’s race is what we want to avoid. Getting to the finish line together is our goal while racing within GRL.

What we do differently


Although all of our series follow the official iRacing schedules, our formats are much more varied. We offer minor variations (length) on three unique racing formats throughout the seasons of our series. They are:

Super heats: Three race format. Qualifying grid, Reverse top 4 from race 1, reverse top 8 from race 2.

Classic heats: Two race format. Qualifying grid, reverse top 8 from race 1.

Endurance: Single, 40-60 minute race with mandatory pit stops.


Also, we use Pro and Am categories to properly place drivers based on pace, not result, to ensure they are able to race with others around their level for a championship.


Finally, we have independant stewarding teams that are from opposing series to provide impartial reviewing to all incidents. Our penalty structure is firm, but clear and concise: we want drivers that want to race safely and will give opportunities to those willing to learn from mistakes. We will not tolerate drivers that do not respect others. Thankfully, we believe we have some of the best members on the service who exhibit the values and virtues we wish to demonstrate!

What we race
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2024 GRL